Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Follow your bliss

I remember these words like a mantra as I crawl through my final first year days, dazed.

Yesterday, I saw my Myers-Briggs test results. Nothing shocking there. Just a quiet and firm reenforcement of who I already knew I was. While it's normal to get tossed around in graduate school, as spring bursts forth and the sun pours down, it feels like the right time to stop questioning my character and priorities, and get back to basics.

Follow your bliss, which Net Impact founder and Babson resident Mark Albion boomed from the pulpit of the Entrepreneurship Forum, is truly a mantra. It's course-correcting pithiness, which is all that a mantra really is.

To me, when I am following my bliss, I am walking tall and proud. When I step off the road, and start wandering around in the underbrush looking for something else, thinking where I am and how I am and how I'm doing it is wrong, I am slamming the door on my heart, and on God, I dare say. This is a different matter from exploring, which is deliberately pursuing a new, clear, and valued goal. All of the difference lies in the quality of the detour. When I'm in the underbrush, my frame collapses, and I'm full of doubt, insecurity, and contrived enthusiasm. When I say, Let's go look at what's over there!, and march confidently and playfully toward a new world, that is where my bliss is taking me. To something new, expansive, and enriching.

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